meta post
thinking about the things i think about, care about, post about elsewhere. and comparing that to the things that i end up posting about here. so often this blog dives in towards the trivial, it's a "look at this cool detail" rather than talking about larger things or more systemic things. and that's fine, i value my ability to notice a cool detail and think about what it is and why it's there. but sometimes i wish i could talk about these larger things here.
but the thing is, to talk about a large thing properly, you either need to write a lot, or you need to have done a lot of thinking and editing to get a short thing. and both are a lot of work, and the guiding light for this blog is to keep as low effort as possible. the platonic ideal for posts on here is a single paragraph, written out and posted without having been read. i never hit it, but that's what i dream of. it's close to "microblogging", that surprisingly popular pastime made famous by Twitter. but definitely not macroblogging, either. i guess i'm aiming for midiblogging.